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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The PS4 revealed

The PlayStation 4 was revealed today at the E3 expo in LA.

Here it is:

It looks bigger than I thought it would be but I like the sleek, angular design, and the mixture of matte and gloss on the chassis. But I suppose what it will all come down to is how the machine performs, and whether the jump from PS3 to PS4 warranted, given that the PS3 has another 3 years of guaranteed support and game production.

I think I’ll wait a year or so before buying one.

What do you guys think of it?

Friday, June 7, 2013

The 5 main uses of my Nexus 7

Firstly, it you haven't checked out my series of short stories, feel free to do so!! My most recent tales are based on a three parter called Hallow. An idea I jotted down over 4 years ago, but never did anything with at the time.

I'm releasing a story on the last day of each month (if I'm on schedule). So by New Years Eve 2013, I'll have 12 short stories online. The main purpose is to keep me locked into a regular writing routine, and to also allow people to read my stuff before my novel comes out later this year. I've also gotten back into writing my second novel which is coming along fairly well...I think.

Now, back to this post. I recently wrote about my thoughts of the Nexus 7, a tablet I bought a few months ago. I used it daily and here are the 5 main things I do with it:

1.       Youtube – I love watching videos on Youtube. Music videos, political commentary, gym tips, tech blogs etc. Some of the channels I’m subscribed to are:

·         Strenghtcamp
·         TheYoung Turks
·         MarquesBrownlee
·         Twinmuscleworkout
·         CnetTV
·         DreamTheaterBootlegs

So if I’m eating a quick meal, ironing my shirt or being idle before bedtime, Youtube is most likely being played on my tablet.

2.       Evernote – I was looking for a great note taking app for ages, and I finally came across Evernote a few months ago. I have it on my phone and my tablet, so it keeps all my notes synched. I tag websites I want to check out later, make “to-do lists”, make editing notes for my stories, and also jot down ideas for my stories.

3.       eBooks – my main eBook readers are the Kindle app and Kobo. Both do the job well, but Kobo seems to have a much simpler interface. I’m also going to release my first novel, The Spirit Broker, in eBook format soon too, so the Nexus 7 is an ideal device to test-read the ePub and mobi files.

4.       Watching movies – the Nexus 7 is great for watching movies/TV Shows, especially when lying on the couch, in bed or on a plane. I use MX Player for most of my media, as it seems to be able to play files that even VLC can’t handle.

5.       Social Media – most of my tweets come from the Nexus 7, as do my FaceBook and Google+ posts. The 7” interface is a perfect size to use most social media apps, as icons are bold and clear.

I haven’t tested Skype on the Nexus 7 yet, but I’m sure I’ll be using that a fair bit too. All in all it’s a great device to consume media.