On the up side, I now have my life back, summer is starting in Australia, and I finished proofing and editing The Spirit Broker last night. There will always be words to swap around, erase or paraphrase, and there will always be more AND less to say on virtually every page. But for now, I am done with it.
The next stage now is writing up a 2-3 page synopsis and sending out query and covering letters to agents, sample chapters, and when requested the whole manuscript. I bought the Artists and Writers Handbook last year and have already highlighted and tabbed the contact pages of agents & publishers who look like they accept this kind of stuff. So I’ll be targeting them all over the next few weeks. I just need to take my time and get things written and presented properly.
Other than the above, here are some things I have found interesting recently:
• Australian Senator Nick Xenophon not only has a badass name, but he is also a real life badass. Really impressed with him taking the decision to use his parliamentary privilege to publically name a Catholic priest accused of sexual abuse many years ago. "Innocent until proven guilty", yes. But where the safety of young and vulnerable people is at a serious risk, I’m all for erring on the side of caution. Well done Senator.
• I popped into court yesterday to have a quick look at a Supreme Court case in which a former $3,000 a night “high-class” escort is suing the estate of a deceased billionaire. This is because he allegedly promised her gifts and trust funds up to a worth of $10m. Managed to see her get cross examined by one of the country’s best barristers. Very cool.
• Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Played the original a decade ago, and this is just as awesome. Check it out!
More to come soon as I get back online and start the next phase of being a writer-who-is-trying-to-become-a-published-author!!!!
P.S. the next novel is in the works too. Here’s a hint of things to come: