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Thursday, November 18, 2010


Just a quick test, writing this from my new phone. Editing finished a few days ago, just need to rewrite a chapter, change a name or two and fix a few small things.

The mission is nearly complete...I hope

Monday, November 1, 2010

Almost done...promise

Ok, so this blog isn't very epic at the moment, but epic things are happening in the real world.

I'm on the last 100 pages of the manuscript; it's taking me longer to type in the corrections than I thought. That and I've also been spending my weekends doing drunken and debauched things. But it's all in the name of the art right? Without living a little how can I write about life...?

Ok, that excuse can only last for so long. I'm knuckling down with the editing now, and will have it all wrapped up by the weekend (it's now Monday night).

Then comes another read through, and possibly more alterations. I will also hand a copy to a workmate who reads a book a day and seems to like her dark fantasy/horror novels. She'll be able to get through this in a day or two and give me some honest feedback.

Then I'll start agent hunting. One thing at a time.

Time for two kiwi fruits, iron a shirt for work tomorrow and then bed.*

*My bedroom has recently become a nightspot for all of the trendiest, hairiest and largest spiders I have ever seen. Yep, the lovely huntsman spiders are coming out in force due to the warm and wet weather. I stared at one this morning on my wall and just cowered as it slowly walked into a crevice and vanished. It's still in here somewhere, perhaps with a dozen of its buddies. But as long as I can't see them, they don't exists...

Sleeping should be fun tonight... :(
