I've been really tired for the past few days. Most likely due to early mornings, late nights and the fact that I ran a 14km race with a cold at the weekend!!
The novel is currently baking in my wardrobe. I printed it out, double lined, and put it in a ring binder. I won't touch it for a month. Then I'm going to re-read it and see what happens. I'm sure to find spelling errors, maybe the odd plot hole and a few character motivation and development issues. But that's what I expect. I imagine it will be easier to find the flaws with 'fresh eyes' and look forward to the challenge. One of the greatest parts of the writing process is that I'm 'the boss' and can do quite literally what I like with the story. I can change colours, names, places, smells and virtually anything else that I don't think fits. So there is really nothing to worry about. (In theory).
I'm contemplating who (if anyone) to show the finished product to before I hunt for an agent. But I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
For now, the book is baking, and my mouth is watering.